How to use implicit and explicit operators in C#

ASP was introduced in 1998 as Microsoft’s first server side scripting language. When a browser requests an ASP or ASP.NET file, the ASP engine reads the file, executes any code in the file, and returns the result to the browser. Both technologies enable computer code to be executed by an Internet server. Wakefly is looking for an experienced Web Developer to join our team.

use of asp net

Microsoft .NET is now using ~/ in Routing Attribute paths. When used they start the path back at the web root as an absolute path, but also override all controller or other attribute paths. ~/ is a character that tells ASP.NET on the IIs Windows Server to find the “application root” of your website.

use of tilde (~) in path

First off, let’s create a .NET Core console application project in Visual Studio. Assuming Visual Studio 2022 is installed in your system, follow the steps outlined below to create a new .NET Core console application project in Visual Studio. This article will explain how to create React Js application and consume ASP.NET Core Web API requests to fetch the movie’s data. This article will explain how to create ReactJS application and consume ASP.NET Core Web API requests to fetch the movie’s data.

use of asp net

ASP.Net is a web development platform provided by Microsoft. ASP.Net applications can also be written in a variety of .Net languages. The ASP stands for Active Server Pages, and .NET is Network Enabled Technologies. In this case you’ll need an explicit cast to convert an Author instance to an AuthorDto instance as shown in the code snippet given below. You can fix the non-compilable code snippet by specifying an explicit type cast of double to int as shown in the code snippet below.

Convert model to DTO and vice versa in C#

In the old days, we used to create Virtual Applications in IIs Web Server to create two more web paths in order to isolate one or more web ‘experiences’ using the same domain. Each Virtual Path might be a “ghost” path that points back to the web root but creates an additional ghost folder under the web root. In many cases, that new virtual path pointed to a physical folder separate from the normal web path or even to computer hard drive path or mapping. ASP.NET with the right permission then ran web site code from there.

There are huge opportunities available for .NET programmers worldwide; therefore, it is a very good option for beginner programmers to learn. ASP.NET Core is a new version of ASP.NET that runs on every major computing platform, including Windows, MacOS and Linux. Like ASP.NET, it is open source, created by Microsoft and allows developers to create web applications, web services, and dynamic content-driven websites. First released in 2016, ASP.NET Core is relatively new, but has already received a 2.0 release and is now a stable alternative to Windows-hosted ASP.NET web applications.

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A better way to achieve the model-DTO conversions illustrated above is to use implicit and explicit operators. When you use implicit or explicit conversion operators, you don’t have to write cumbersome methods to convert an instance of one type to another. If you need to write such conversion code for several classes in your application, you will not only find it cumbersome but also your code will not have proper readability. Here is where implicit and explicit conversion operators come in. We also have explicit and implicit operators, meaning some operators require an explicit cast and some operators don’t. ~/ is really only useful when your website uses one or more Virtual Applications in a web server like IIs.

Normally you’d just stick the code in Page_Load in your .aspx page’s code-behind. 2) Wrap the parts in a Panel control and in codebehind use the if statement to set the Visible property of the Panel. A form is a section of an HTML document where you put input controls (text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and pull-down lists). Click Update next to Website preferences.The Website Payment Preferences screen appears.


ASP.NET framework has led to the rising of Microsoft app development. The following two methods show how you can convert an Author instance to an AuthorDto instance and convert and AuthorDto instance to an Author instance. The above code will compile successfully without any errors. In the “Additional information” window shown next, choose “.NET 7.0 ” as the framework version you want to use.

If you have defined an implicit operator, you will be able to convert objects both implicitly and explicitly. However, if you have defined an explicit operator, you will be able to convert objects explicitly only. This explains why you cannot have both implicit and explicit operators in a class. Although an implicit cast is more convenient to use, an explicit cast provides better clarity and readability of your code. The following code snippet shows how you can take advantage of the explicit operator to convert an Author instance to an instance of AuthorDto class. The following code snippet shows how you can take advantage of the implicit operator to convert an Author instance to an AuthorDto instance.

This component will be used to add the movie details to the database and display them in the movie table. Once you start the project, the UI will be open in your default browser. Please refer to my previous article on how to create ASP.NET Core Web APIs to fetch the data. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Second of all, many Open Source, UNIX-based vendors are creating JavaScript API libraries that stumble around with dot paths which HTML and CSS do not support, like ./ or . ~/ is a Web Server only path that gets translated to a new path by the code running on the server.

Interpreted languages would not identify this error until the code is actually run and tested. In a large application, it is very time consuming to manually test every scenario, or to write and maintain additional code that tests of every scenario, whenever code is changed. However, knowledge of programming language basics would be an additional help to learn this ASP.NET tutorials series. ASP.NET is a framework for developing dynamic web applications. It supports languages like VB.Net, C#, Jscript.Net, etc. This ASP.NET tutorial for beginners covers some important concepts of ASP.NET like reusable code, deploying the .Net application on the server, testing web application, debugging, etc.

  • The ONLY place they work in JavaScript reliably is in the new JavaScript Module in ECMAScript.
  • Each framework has features and benefits that make them different.
  • In a large application, it is very time consuming to manually test every scenario, or to write and maintain additional code that tests of every scenario, whenever code is changed.
  • The following code snippet shows how you can take advantage of the explicit operator to convert an Author instance to an instance of AuthorDto class.

ASP.NET is written using Object Oriented Programming languages such as C# or Object Oriented Programming provides a framework and patterns for code organization and reuse. In ASP.NET applications, source code and HTML files are together, so ASP.NET pages are easy to manage and write. This gives the websites a lot of strength and versatility.


This article talks about these explicit and implicit conversion operators and how we can work with them in C#. To work with the code examples provided in this article, you should have Visual Studio 2022 installed in your system. If you don’t already have a copy, you can download Visual Studio 2022 here.

The server-side code would then resolve the paths for you inside each virtual application with no changes to the code base. What type of database to use is an important decision when developing a web application. ASP.NET applications can use all of the popular databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, MongoDB and CouchDB. While Microsoft SQL Server can require expensive software licenses for complex deployments, the free Express version is suitable for the vast majority of websites. All of the other databases mentioned here are free and open source. Note you cannot have both implicit and explicit operators defined in a class.

Creating an HTML Input Page

In this article, we will analyze why ASP.NET should be chosen over other accessible web frameworks. In this ASP.Net framework tutorial, you will learn ASP.Net from scratch with basic concepts asp net usage like Introduction, Page Life Cycle, Controls, etc. You will also learn Web Forms, .Net MVC, WCF & Web API, ASP.NET interview questions, etc., in this ASP.NET for beginners course.

My Learning

Software cost is an important factor when developing a website. It used to be that developers had to buy expensive software in order to build applications. Companies with more than 5 developers must purchase a license to use Visual Studio, but the cost is competitive with professional IDEs for other platforms. Microsoft also provides Visual Studio Code, a lighter-weight IDE and editor, which is free for everyone, including corporations. The compilation process also provides validation that all of the code is consistent.

Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use,cookie and privacy policy. ~/ in most cases resolves to the web root of any website right right after the domain, no matter what page or subfolder you are in when the path is called. So the two are the same in MOST cases unless you set up a Virtual Application on the server.

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